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CDR true on sub

Level 1
Level 1

Do we have to turn on the cDR true on service parameter for subscriber, if all the devices are registered on sub as primary? I always only enable true for pub and that seems works. But recently came across a doc indicates that cdr true needs to be on all the servers. Thanks

6 Replies 6

Level 10
Level 10

CDR enable flag must be turned on in all the CCM's that have IP Phones register to it and is performing call processing, so EnvProcessCDR can generate the appropiate records and move them using DBL service (aupair.exe) to PUB.

CDR insert service (insertCDR.exe) must be started only in PUB.

If all the devices are registered on sub as primary (that sub should have that flag turned on)


Level 9
Level 9

>>>Verify that "Cisco CDR Insert" and "Cisco CDR Analysis and

Reporting Scheduler" services are running ONLY in the Publisher

Call Manager:

in your publisher callmanager server, go to start > programs >

administration tools > services > verify the status for services

"Cisco CDR Insert" and "Cisco CDR Analysis and Reporting Scheduler".

If they are not "started", please restart them (just right-click

on the service and select "restart").

If "Cisco CDR Insert" and "Cisco CDR Analysis and Reporting Scheduler"

are running also in the subscriber servers, please stop them.


>>>Verify service parameters in callmanager servers (publisher

and subscriber).

--go to ccm admin > service > service parameters > select a callmanager

server from the drop-down list > at "service" please select "Cisco

CallManager" > click on "advanced" > verify that the following

parameters are set to the correct values:

CDR Enabled Flag = True

CDR Log Calls with Zero Duration Flag = True

Call Diagnostics Enabled = True

***Repeat the same procedure for all callmanager servers in your


--Now go to ccm admin > service > service parameters > select a

callmanager server from the drop-down list > at "service" please

select "Cisco Data Base Layer Monitor" > verify that the following

parameter is set to the correct value:

Max CDR Records = 1500000

***Repeat the same procedure for all callmanager servers in your


--Now go to ccm admin > system > enterprise parameters > verify that

the following parameters are set to the correct values:

CDR File Time Interval (min) = 1

CDR Format = CDRs will be inserted into database

CDR UNC Path = \\\CDR

Local CDR Path = C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallDetail

***Repeat the same procedure for all callmanager servers in your


This is very helpful. One more question following yoru answer, what is call diagnostics used for, and what is call management records (CMRs) if you know?


Call Diagnostics enable the CMR records which are used for QoS reports.

From CCO for CDR & Call Diagnostics parameter:

When CDR collection is enabled through the CDR Enabled Flag Cisco CallManager service parameter, Cisco CallManager writes call detail records (CDRs) to flat files on the subscriber servers as calls are completed. When CDR Diagnostic collection is enabled through the Call Diagnostics Enabled Cisco CallManager service parameter, Cisco CallManager writes call detail diagnostic records to flat files on the subscriber servers as calls are completed. The Cisco Database Layer Monitor service periodically moves the CDR files from the subscriber to the publisher server (or configured server), and the Cisco CDR Insert Service inserts the records into the configured CDR database.


Note The Cisco CDR Insert service does not insert a record if the CDR Format enterprise parameter has a value of `CDR will be kept in flat files.' If the service is disabled, Cisco CDR Insert does not delete the CDR files.


Enable and configure CDR collection through service and enterprise parameters that are set in Cisco CallManager Administration. You must enable CDR collection on each Cisco CallManager in the cluster for which you want to generate records

excellent info!