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Cisco SG300 switches rebooting itself

Level 1
Level 1

I am using four SG300 52 ports switches and one SG300 24 port POE switch for around 150 clients. I have been observing the random reboot of all these switches at the same time from last 2 months. Three 52 port switches are up-linked at one 52 port switch which is getting internet from firewall. And POE is also getting internet from the firewall separately. I have checked all the logs but couldn't find anything concrete. After these random reboots, i observed the time settings come to default in all switches. Any views on it? 

7 Replies 7

Double check logs.

What firmware version is installed on the switches? The same?

Can you upgrade the firmware?


Can you configure ACL to management interface to avoid unauthorized access?



Due to this issue i have already updated the firmware from to on all the switches. But issue is still there.

This is what i found on logs:

2147468264 2018-Dec-06 17:38:06 Emergency %SYSLOG-F-OSFATAL:   FATAL ERROR: IP6C: ABORT DATA exception  ***** FATAL ERROR *****  SW Version  : Version Date:  04-Jun-2018 Version Time :  00:07:58 Instruction            0x17A554 Exception vector       0x10 Program state register 0x20000013 0x0017a504 0x0019d8e0 0x001a81a0 0x001a8958 0x001a9754 0x001a4204 0x00180104 0x001a7030 0x00188ab0 0x0018cd80 0x0018d7f0 0x00196dd0 0x00186f78 0x00183080 0x001842dc 0x001843c4 0x00184a60 0x00 1223f0 ***** END OF FATAL ERROR ***** 

Hi, seems a fault related to IPv6 (IP6C) that causes a reboot.

Are you using IPv6 in your network? If no, try to disable IPv6 features on the switches and on other devices in your network.


Anyhow my suggestion is to open a case to STAC in order to get an official answer from Cisco with the cause and a possible workaround or a firmware fix.



Hi Daniele, 


No we are not using IPV6 in our network. I have disabled it on all switches. I will monitor it for sometime and post my observation.

If issue comes again, i will contact Cisco.


Thanks for your help.

Hi rishabh.sharma,

I am experiencing this same issue. Did disabling IPv6 resolve this for you?


Yes, it worked for me. You also have to disable Bonjour forwarding on all the switches along with IPV6 addressing.

Yes, it worked for me. You also have to disable Bonjour forwarding on all the switches along with IPV6 addressing.