i configure nexus 7010 for callhome
when i try to send test it's work, when i try to send configuration it's work, when i try to send diag it's doesnt send anything
why is that ? and how can i fix it ?
the configuration:
version 5.1(3)
switch-priority 7
email-contact XXXXXXXXXXXX
streetaddress XXXXXXX
destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 transport-method email
no destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 transport-method http
destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 message-size 5000000
destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 message-level 0
destination-profile full_txt transport-method email
no destination-profile full_txt transport-method http
destination-profile full_txt message-size 2500000
destination-profile full_txt message-level 0
destination-profile short_txt transport-method email
no destination-profile short_txt transport-method http
destination-profile short_txt message-size 4000
destination-profile short_txt message-level 0
destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 email-addr callhome@cisco.com
destination-profile CiscoTAC-1 alert-group cisco-tac
destination-profile full_txt alert-group all
destination-profile short_txt alert-group all
transport email from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
transport email smtp-server XXXXXXXXXXX port 25 use-vrf management
transport http use-vrf default
periodic-inventory notification
periodic-inventory notification interval 30
periodic-inventory notification timeofday 08:00
duplicate-message throttle
the results :
DEVICE_A# callhome test inventory
trying to send test callhome inventory message
successfully sent test callhome inventory message
no email address configured for destination profile:full_txt
no email address configured for destination profile:short_txt
DEVICE_A# callhome send diagnostic
trying to send diagnostic callhome message
warning:no callhome message sent
no email address configured for destination profile:full_txt
no email address configured for destination profile:short_txt