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6500 Module Shutdown/PwrDown Issue

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Guys,

Below is the snap shot for my 6500 switch modules which is showing that WS-SVC-IDSM-2 card on slot 7 and WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9 card on slot 9 is down and status is not ok,

Pls. suggest so can be made UP & Functioning.

SW6500#sh module
Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
  1    8  8 port 1000mb GBIC Enhanced QoS        WS-X6408A-GBIC     SAL10403U3M
  2    8  8 port 1000mb GBIC Enhanced QoS        WS-X6408A-GBIC     SAL10425LVP
  3   48  48-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 EtherModule   WS-X6148A-GE-TX    SAD103901AU
  4    3  Anomaly Guard Module                   WS-SVC-AGM-1-K9    SAD1045093A
  5    2  Supervisor Engine 720 (Active)         WS-SUP720-3B       SAD094602D7
  6    8  Network Analysis Module                WS-SVC-NAM-2       SAD1049002V
  7    8  Intrusion Detection System             WS-SVC-IDSM-2      SAD104804HW
  8    8  8 port 1000mb GBIC Enhanced QoS        WS-X6408A-GBIC     SAL10425LZD
  9   10  WiSM WLAN Service Module               WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9   SAD10510C8W

Mod MAC addresses                       Hw    Fw           Sw           Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
  1  000a.b807.7368 to 000a.b807.736f   4.1   5.4(2)       8.5(0.46)RFW Ok
  2  0019.56ce.1398 to 0019.56ce.139f   4.1   5.4(2)       8.5(0.46)RFW Ok
  3  0019.2fd3.1f7a to 0019.2fd3.1fa9   1.5   8.4(1)       8.5(0.46)RFW Ok
  4  0019.56b8.086c to 0019.56b8.0873   3.0   7.2(1)       4.0(2)       Ok
  5  000d.ed92.b3f8 to 000d.ed92.b3fb   5.2   8.4(2)       12.2(18)SXF7 Ok
  6  001a.2f00.2cba to 001a.2f00.2cc1   4.2   7.2(1)       4.0(1)       Ok
  7  001a.2f00.341e to 001a.2f00.3425   6.2   7.2(1)       7.0(2)E4     ShutDown
  8  0019.56ce.13a0 to 0019.56ce.13a7   4.1   5.4(2)       8.5(0.46)RFW Ok
  9  001a.6d65.bc94 to 001a.6d65.bca3   1.4   12.2(14r)S5  12.2(18)SXF7 PwrDown

Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------
  5  Policy Feature Card 3       WS-F6K-PFC3B       SAD09460532  2.3    Ok
  5  MSFC3 Daughterboard         WS-SUP720          SAD094608X1  2.5    Ok
  7  IDS 2 accelerator board     WS-SVC-IDSUPG      ADBG6390007  2.5    ShutDown
  9  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9-D SAD10500D6T  1.4    PwrDown

Mod  Online Diag Status
---- -------------------
  1  Pass
  2  Pass
  3  Pass
  4  Pass
  5  Pass
  6  Pass
  7  Pass
  8  Pass
  9  Not Applicable

6 Replies 6

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
9  Not Applicable

Not Applicable normally means your Sup720 IOS is insufficient.  Upgrade to SXH or SXI and try again.

Hi Sanjeev Kumar,

Please provide output of "show power" which will tell if the issue is related to insufficient power or unsupported module.

Thanks & Regards,
Karthick Murugan

Thanks & Regards, Karthick Murugan CCIE#39285

Hi Bro,

Same switch with same IOS was working earlier, after reboot this is not working .

ASW01-MHQ#sh power

system power redundancy mode = redundant

system power total =     2771.16 Watts (65.98 Amps @ 42V)

system power used =      1385.16 Watts (32.98 Amps @ 42V)

system power available = 1386.00 Watts (33.00 Amps @ 42V)

                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper

PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----

1    WS-CAC-3000W       2771.16 65.98  OK     OK     on

2    WS-CAC-3000W       2771.16 65.98  OK     OK     on

                        Pwr-Allocated  Oper

Fan  Type               Watts   A @42V State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ -----

1    WS-C6509-E-FAN      150.36  3.58  OK

                        Pwr-Requested  Pwr-Allocated  Admin Oper

Slot Card-Type          Watts   A @42V Watts   A @42V State State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----- -----

1    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

2    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

3    WS-X6148A-GE-TX     105.00  2.50   105.00  2.50  on    on

4    WS-SVC-AGM-1-K9     168.00  4.00   168.00  4.00  on    on

5    WS-SUP720-3B        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on

6    WS-SVC-NAM-2        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on

7    WS-SVC-IDSM-2       145.32  3.46   145.32  3.46  on    on

8    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

9    WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9    163.80  3.90     -     -     on    Off (Module Reset due to exception or user request)

ASW01-MHQ#sh power

system power redundancy mode = redundant

system power total =     2771.16 Watts (65.98 Amps @ 42V)

system power used =      1385.16 Watts (32.98 Amps @ 42V)

system power available = 1386.00 Watts (33.00 Amps @ 42V)

                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper

PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----

1    WS-CAC-3000W       2771.16 65.98  OK     OK     on

2    WS-CAC-3000W       2771.16 65.98  OK     OK     on

                        Pwr-Allocated  Oper

Fan  Type               Watts   A @42V State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ -----

1    WS-C6509-E-FAN      150.36  3.58  OK

                        Pwr-Requested  Pwr-Allocated  Admin Oper

Slot Card-Type          Watts   A @42V Watts   A @42V State State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----- -----

1    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

2    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

3    WS-X6148A-GE-TX     105.00  2.50   105.00  2.50  on    on

4    WS-SVC-AGM-1-K9     168.00  4.00   168.00  4.00  on    on

5    WS-SUP720-3B        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on

6    WS-SVC-NAM-2        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on

7    WS-SVC-IDSM-2       145.32  3.46   145.32  3.46  on    on

8    WS-X6408A-GBIC       84.00  2.00    84.00  2.00  on    on

9    WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9    163.80  3.90     -     -     on    Off (Module Reset due to exception or user request)

Module Reset due to exception or user request

Can you try this command:  power enable module 9

Yes I tried, showing below.

Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status

---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------

  5  Policy Feature Card 3       WS-F6K-PFC3B       SAD09460532  2.3    Ok

  5  MSFC3 Daughterboard         WS-SUP720          SAD094608X1  2.5    Ok

  7  IDS 2 accelerator board     WS-SVC-IDSUPG      ADBG6390007  2.5    ShutDown

  9  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9-D SAD10500D6T  1.4    PwrDown Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------
  5  Policy Feature Card 3       WS-F6K-PFC3B       SAD09460532  2.3    Ok
  5  MSFC3 Daughterboard         WS-SUP720          SAD094608X1  2.5    Ok
  7  IDS 2 accelerator board     WS-SVC-IDSUPG      ADBG6390007  2.5    ShutDown
  9  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9-D SAD10500D6T  1.4    PwrDown



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