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Cisco Router and switch for home

Level 1
Level 1

I am wondering what would be the best and inexpensive Cisco router and switch to use for my home. I want them to have the full current Cisco IOS CLI on it so I can practice and gain knowledge for my CCENT and beyond. I also want to use them for my home network so I would like to have gig ports and not fast ethernet. I don't require wifi function because I can turn my current router to AP mode and use that.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

2 Replies 2

Switch I´d recommend  WS-C2960L-8PS-LL  and router C1111-8P.  But it depends how much you are willing to spend. Cisco is not cheap.

 For study porpuse, GNS3 or Eve is the Cheaper.

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

You can get used Cisco 3750X  and Cisco Router 28XX Routers.


full current Cisco IOS CLI

you get upto 15.X IOS on the above device,


Latest is IOX XE Code not possible on certain models, and it is expensive hardware concern.


but you can do over simulators labs.



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