Hi experts,
We have pair of 6506-E series switches and we would like to upgrade IOS to ver s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.12.2(33)SXJ4 from 122-33.SXJ2 because it best meets our long term requirements. These switches configure as virtual switching system (VSS) with Virtual Switching Supervisor 720-10GE.
We need help to determine best possible strategy to minimize the downtime. I took the following notes from cisco documents
VSS-SW#copy tftp: disk0:
VSS-SW#copy sw1-slot6-disk0: s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ4.bin sw2-slot2-disk0:
VSS-SW# config t
VSS-SW(config)# no boot system
VSS-SW(config)# config-register 0x2102
VSS-SW(config)# boot system flash disk0:s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ4.bin
VSS-SW(config)# end
VSS-SW# copy run start
VSS-SW# redundancy reload peer
VSS-SW# show redundancy <verify peer is back up in STANDBY-COLD state. Confirm the correct IOS is loaded>
VSS-SW# redundancy force-switchover <This will reload the active chassis and standby will take over.
Confirm the correct IOS is loaded>