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ie5000 got burned

Level 1
Level 1


i have two ie5000 switch located in the same cabinet,these two switches are connected through sfp fiber .

these two switches are getting very hot and the sfp port transceiver temperature that connect these two switches reach 88.6 c.then one of these switches damaged(not booting ,not reseting ,no lights only sys light,looks like it burned)they installed new switch and a fan next to the cabinet .

the transciever temperature is now 54 c but if we turn of the fan the temperature of the port become 70 c in one houre .i was checking the temperature using this command : sh int Gi1/27 tran det.

the fiber is single mode and i am not sure if this is the reason why it is burning .

do anyone has an idea about this issue.

thank you.

16 Replies 16

Hello Bandi,

I have another question ,i am using putty to configure switches and router so when i throw all the configuration at once the switch get stuck ,so i have to devide the proccess of copy and paste in the terminal ,part after part untill i reach the end of the configuration file .

is there is a way to throw the configuration at once to the switch ? with putty or with other software.

Thank you. 

You can use TFTP and copy the config, baud 9K will have this effects, change to baud 115K  will be ok as per my testing.

Also run the basic config and put the device in to network, use SSH to do rest of the config also resolve the issue.


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