Switch 1
Current Boot Variables:
BOOT variable = flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;
Boot Variables on next reload:
BOOT variable = flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;
Manual Boot = no
Enable Break = no
Boot Mode = DEVICE
iPXE Timeout = 0
SRH-LAN-STACK#more flash:packages.conf
#! /usr/binos/bin/packages_conf.sh
sha1sum: 97b8f831ba81fcb9fa3234c6d9ab77402f1cc292
# sha1sum above - used to verify that this file is not corrupted.
# package.conf: provisioned software file for build 2022-02-02_07.35
# NOTE: Editing this file by hand is not recommended. It is generated
# as part of the build process, and is subject to boot-time
# consistency checks. Automatically-produced package files are
# guaranteed to pass those checks. Manually-maintained ones are
# not. Because "nfs" and "mount" directives are processed first,
# regardless of their position in the file, the recommended
# approach is to keep a separate file containing JUST your
# personal "nfs" and "mount" directives, and to append it to the
# automatically-generated file.
# Note further that when SHA-1 checksum verification is enabled,
# you will NOT be able to alter this file without updating the
# SHA-1 sum.
# This file can contain three types of entries:
# NFS directives (optional)
# notes: NFS directives are processed before all others (mount, iso).
# Multiple NFS directives may appear so long as they do not
# conflict -- that is, specify the same source or mountpoint.
# syntax: nfs :
# example: nfs /auto/some/nfs/path
# mount directives (optional)
# notes: mount directives are processed after 'nfs' and before 'iso'.
# One mount directive may appear for each F/S/B/P tuple
# example: mount rp 0 0 rp_base
# The specified LINUX_PATH may be local [sata disk] or
# reference the NFS mounts since they are processed first.
# Mount directives cause the package-specific mount link to
# be set to the specified path instead of to the mountpoint
# in sw for the corresponding ISO.
# iso directives (mandatory)
# notes: iso directives are processed last: any package for which
# a 'mount' directive does not appear will be mounted.
# One iso directive may appear for each F/S/B/P tuple.
# example: iso rp 0 0 rp_base rp_base.ppc.bin
# PACKAGE_FILE.bin is a path relative to the packages.conf
# file. Although it supports sub-directories for development
# purposes, in deployment the files will always be managed
# as in the same directory as packages.conf so as to
# guarantee that name collisions cannot occur.
# Note that the RP 0/1 distinction is a convenience for development
# and testing as it allows us to have a packages.conf describe a
# SW load that varies depending on whether the RP finds itself in
# slot 0 or 1.
# The ISSU process *must* update *both* RP slots simultaneously so that
# the RP will behave predictably whichever slot it finds itself on [e.g.,
# if package X is upgraded, and the RP is ejected and put into either
# slot of a new chassis, we expect to see the upgraded X without regard
# to slot].
# This is for NOVA
iso rp 0 0 rp_base cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_core cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_daemons cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_iosd cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_webui cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 srdriver cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_security cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 guestshell cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
iso fp 0 0 fp cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg
# -start- superpackage .pkginfo
# pkginfo: Name: rp_super
# pkginfo: BuildTime: 2022-02-02_07.35
# pkginfo: ReleaseDate: Wed-02-Feb-22-04:05
# pkginfo: .BuildArch: mips64
# pkginfo: BootArchitecture: mips
# pkginfo: .BootArch: mips
# pkginfo: RouteProcessor: edison
# pkginfo: Platform: CAT3K_CAA
# pkginfo: User: mcpre
# pkginfo: PackageName: universalk9
# pkginfo: Build: 16.12.07
# pkginfo: .SupportedBoards: edison
# pkginfo: .InstallModel:
# pkginfo: .PackageRole: rp_super
# pkginfo: .RestartRole: rp_super
# pkginfo: CardTypes:
# pkginfo: .CardTypes:
# pkginfo: .BuildPath:
# pkginfo: .Version:
# pkginfo: .InstallVersion: 1.0.0
# pkginfo: .InstallCapCommitSupport: yes
# -end- superpackage .pkginfo
Second stack:
SRH-LAN-STACK2#sh boot
Switch 1
Current Boot Variables:
BOOT variable = flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;
Boot Variables on next reload:
BOOT variable = flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;
Manual Boot = no
Enable Break = no
Boot Mode = DEVICE
iPXE Timeout = 0
SRH-LAN-STACK2#more flash:packages.conf
#! /usr/binos/bin/packages_conf.sh
sha1sum: 15336e478c878fae2c06099b43a8197ad7a323d6
# sha1sum above - used to verify that this file is not corrupted.
# package.conf: provisioned software file for build 2020-08-17_04.23
# NOTE: Editing this file by hand is not recommended. It is generated
# as part of the build process, and is subject to boot-time
# consistency checks. Automatically-produced package files are
# guaranteed to pass those checks. Manually-maintained ones are
# not. Because "nfs" and "mount" directives are processed first,
# regardless of their position in the file, the recommended
# approach is to keep a separate file containing JUST your
# personal "nfs" and "mount" directives, and to append it to the
# automatically-generated file.
# Note further that when SHA-1 checksum verification is enabled,
# you will NOT be able to alter this file without updating the
# SHA-1 sum.
# This file can contain three types of entries:
# NFS directives (optional)
# notes: NFS directives are processed before all others (mount, iso).
# Multiple NFS directives may appear so long as they do not
# conflict -- that is, specify the same source or mountpoint.
# syntax: nfs :
# example: nfs /auto/some/nfs/path
# mount directives (optional)
# notes: mount directives are processed after 'nfs' and before 'iso'.
# One mount directive may appear for each F/S/B/P tuple
# example: mount rp 0 0 rp_base
# The specified LINUX_PATH may be local [sata disk] or
# reference the NFS mounts since they are processed first.
# Mount directives cause the package-specific mount link to
# be set to the specified path instead of to the mountpoint
# in sw for the corresponding ISO.
# iso directives (mandatory)
# notes: iso directives are processed last: any package for which
# a 'mount' directive does not appear will be mounted.
# One iso directive may appear for each F/S/B/P tuple.
# example: iso rp 0 0 rp_base rp_base.ppc.bin
# PACKAGE_FILE.bin is a path relative to the packages.conf
# file. Although it supports sub-directories for development
# purposes, in deployment the files will always be managed
# as in the same directory as packages.conf so as to
# guarantee that name collisions cannot occur.
# Note that the RP 0/1 distinction is a convenience for development
# and testing as it allows us to have a packages.conf describe a
# SW load that varies depending on whether the RP finds itself in
# slot 0 or 1.
# The ISSU process *must* update *both* RP slots simultaneously so that
# the RP will behave predictably whichever slot it finds itself on [e.g.,
# if package X is upgraded, and the RP is ejected and put into either
# slot of a new chassis, we expect to see the upgraded X without regard
# to slot].
iso rp 0 0 rp_base cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_core cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_daemons cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_iosd cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_wcm cat3k_caa-wcm.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_webui cat3k_caa-webui.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 srdriver cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 rp_security cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso rp 0 0 guestshell cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
iso fp 0 0 fp cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.03.11.SPA.pkg
# -start- superpackage .pkginfo
# pkginfo: Name: rp_super
# pkginfo: BuildTime:
# pkginfo: ReleaseDate: Mon-17-Aug-20-08:08
# pkginfo: .BuildArch: mips64
# pkginfo: BootArchitecture: mips
# pkginfo: .BootArch: mips
# pkginfo: RouteProcessor: edison
# pkginfo: Platform: CAT3K_CAA
# pkginfo: User: mcpre
# pkginfo: PackageName: universalk9
# pkginfo: Build: 16.03.11
# pkginfo: .SupportedBoards: edison
# pkginfo: .InstallModel:
# pkginfo: .PackageRole: rp_super
# pkginfo: .RestartRole: rp_super
# pkginfo: CardTypes:
# pkginfo: .CardTypes:
# pkginfo: .BuildPath:
# pkginfo: .Version:
# -end- superpackage .pkginfo