05-16-2013 07:37 AM - edited 03-07-2019 01:23 PM
we are implementing a new MPLS WAN design. The MPLS WAN design will use BGP.
The first office to go will be Shelton.
on our 1006 router that will be the Main Campus router(aggregation router for the remote site offices) we're going to configure BGP for the network connected to the PE router.
On the 1006 router we will have 3 routing protocols - EIGRP, OSPF and BGP. We are in the middle of transitioning from OSPF to EIGRP.
At this point we have EIGRP redistributed into OSPF and OSPF redistributed into EIGRP on the 1006 router and on the MK-VPN-1001 and AP-VPN-1001
routers we have a similiar redistribution although there is a route map there for loop preventing purposes.
Because we are planning on moving to EIGRP for the Main Campus and the remotes offices, should we only redistribute BGP into EIGRP because EIGRP will then redistribute into OSPF?
Also, should we be concerned about loops?
Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-30-2013 04:42 AM
After thinking about this for a while I created what I think are the appropriate route maps to ensure there will be no loops. It seems a little extreme but I think it covers every thing. Could you take a look at it?
I think that I really need to attach my new WAN network doc for you to truely understand what I'm trying to accomplish. Is there a reason why I don't have a way to attach docs sometimes and other times I can?
Thank you
On MK1006:
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10
match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 21
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
match tag 92
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 91
route-map OSPF2BGP deny 10
match tag 21
match tag 91
match tag 92
route-match OSPF2BGP permit 15
match tag 90
route-match OSPF2BGP permit 20
set tag 110
route-map BGP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 90
route-map BGP2OSPF permit 15
match tag 92
route-map BGP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 21
route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 21
match tag 92
match tag 110
match tag 90
route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 15
set tag 91
route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 91
route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 92
match tag 21
On Shelton 1002:
route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
Match tag 21
Match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 91
Route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 20
Set tag 92
route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
Match tag 92
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 20 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
Match tag 90
Match tag 91
Match tag 110
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 25
set tag 21
On AP-VPN-1001
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 21
match tag 92
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
set tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
On MK-VPN-1001
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 21
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
set tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
05-16-2013 07:51 AM
Hello Patrick,
you are moving from OSPF to EIGRP? well this could cause long threads here.
Here are my suggestions:
a) use route-maps with route tags to avoid re-injection from one protocol to another one
do not accept BGP originated routes in refdistribution of OSPF into EIGRP and in the opposite direction
b) I would redistribute BGP into OSPF and BGP into EIGRP, when one of the two processes will be removed you will have the correct configuration in place.
routing information should be taken from the routing information source redistributing from BGP to EIGRP and then from EIGRP to OSPF introduces an additional step and potential for more errors.
In order to successfully redistribute the route must be
1) in the database of the source protocol
2) installed in the IP routing table
the second point can be a problem for routes that are originally BGP routes and then are imported in EIGRP, they might be not able to be redistributed into OSPF as the original BGP route is the one installed in IP routing table
Hope to help
05-16-2013 08:32 AM
Thanks Giuseppe -
OK - so, tag the BGP routes as they are redistributed into OSPF and EIGRP. Then, have those BGP originated routes with that tag, be dropped when redistributed from EIGRP to OSPF and OSPF to EIGRP. Should I also tag EIGRP and OSPF routes being redistributed between EIGRP and OSPF for loop prevention on the 1006?
I did tag EIGRP/OSPF routes on the MK-VPN-1001 and the AP-1001-VPN because I was concerned about loops and you helped me out with that in fact - thanks again!!!
I probably should do the same on the 1006, correct?
"the second point can be a problem for routes that are originally BGP routes and then are imported in EIGRP, they might be not able to be redistributed into OSPF as the original BGP route is the one installed in IP routing table"
If I redistribute BGP into both EIGRP and OSPF as you suggested, will I avoid the problem you mentioned above?
Thank you, Pat.
05-17-2013 05:45 AM
Hello Patrick,
your understanding is correct.
>> Should I also tag EIGRP and OSPF routes being redistributed between EIGRP and OSPF for loop prevention on the 1006?
Yes if there are two different devices performing mutual ( bi-directional) redistribution between OSPF and EIGRP and viceversa you should use appropriate route-tags to avoid unwanted routing information re-injection.
>> If I redistribute BGP into both EIGRP and OSPF as you suggested, will I avoid the problem you mentioned above?
Hope to help
05-17-2013 07:04 AM
Thanks Guiseppe.
This is some config I have come up with.I wanted to attach a file but, I don't see an option to do it today.
Not sure if any glaring errors in the config show up or not and please point out anything you see.
If we use a loopback interface for our BGP router IDs, do we also need the multi-hop command?
Please make any suggestions you see fit.
I really appreciate you helping me understand this. Really not sure about my metrics.
Merrimack will have a 1 gig connection to the MPLS cloud.
The connection to the OSPF portion of the LAN portion of the diagram is 1 gig
Shelton will have a 100 Mbs connection to the MPLS cloud.
Merrimack 1006 Config:
router eigrp 99
redistribute ospf 1 metric 100000 1 255 1 1500 route-map OSPF2EIGRP
redistribute bgp 65001 metric 100000 1 255 1 1500 route-map BGP2EIGRP
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
redistribute eigrp 99 metric-type 1 subnets route-map EIGRP2OSPF
redistribute bgp 65001 metric-type 1 subnets route-map BGP2OSPF
Router bgp 65001
Network X.X.X.X mask
Neighbor X.X.X.X remote-as 209
Neighbor X.X.X.X update-source loopback0
Neighbor X.X.X.X next-hop-self
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no auto-summary
no synchronization
redistribute static
redistribute connected
redistribute eigrp 99 Route-map EIGRP2BGP
redistribute ospf 1 Route-map OSPF2BGP
Route-maps for matching and tagging OSPF into EIGRP and EIGRP into OSPF
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10
match tag 110
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
Route-maps for matching and tagging OSPF into BGP and BGP into OSPF
route-map BGP2OSPF deny 10
Match tag 110
Route-map BGP2OSPF permit 20
Set tag 20
Route-map OSPF2BGP deny 10
Match tag 20
Route-map OSPF2BGP permit
Set tag 110
Route-maps for matching and tagging EIGRP into BGP and BGP into EIGRP
Route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
Match tag 90
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 20
Set tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10
Match tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 20
Set tag 90
Shelton 1002 Config:
Interface g0/0/0
Ip address X.X.X.X
Router eigrp 99
Network (there will be many more)
redistribute bgp 65002 metric 100000 1 255 1 1500 route-map BGP2EIGRP
Router bgp 65002
Network X.X.X.X mask
Neighbor X.X.X.X remote-as 209
Neighbor X.X.X.X update-source loopback0
Neighbor X.X.X.X next-hop-self
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no auto-summary
no synchronization
redistribute static
redistribute connected
redistribute eigrp 99 Route-map EIGRP2BGP
Route-maps for matching and tagging EIGRP into BGP and BGP into EIGRP
Route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
Match tag 90
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 20
Set tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10
Match tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 20
Set tag 90
05-17-2013 08:03 AM
Hello Patrick,
with eBGP sessions on loopbacks you need the multihop statement to make it work. next.-hop-self is not needed as the BGP next-hop is automatically updated to the source address of the local node.
You will need more deny blocks in the route-maps to deny what is not wanted.
You need to take in account the other cases all the possible combinations
Hope to help
05-17-2013 10:17 AM
Thanks, Guiseppe.
What other deny blocks will I need in the route-maps?
Thank you, Pat.
05-24-2013 02:13 PM
Guiseppe - is this what you meant by more deny blocks?
Thanks, Pat.
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 15
match tag 20
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10
match tag 110
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 15
match tag 20
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 90
route-map BGP2OSPF deny 10
Match tag 110
route-map BGP2OSPF deny 15
match tag 90
Route-map BGP2OSPF permit 20
Set tag 20
Route-map OSPF2BGP deny 10
Match tag 20
Route-map OSPF2BGP deny 15
Match tag 90
Route-map OSPF2BGP permit 20
Set tag 110
Route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
Match tag 90
Route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 15
Match tag 110
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 20
Set tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10
Match tag 20
Route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 15
Match tag 110
Route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 20
Set tag 90
Thank you, Pat
05-24-2013 02:25 PM
Hello Pat,
yes this is what I would use in this case.
Someone could say that we can take advantage of the implicit deny at the end of each route-map, however we could also say that just a final empty route-map block /clause would defeat the logic of each route-map.
By accident any new route-map block starts as an empty clause as we enter the first command to create it!
So the paranoid logic of explicitly denying what should be blocked can save your day when in the future you will need to modify the route-map for any reason with the route-map still applied somewhere.
Hope to help
05-24-2013 02:37 PM
Cool - Thank you for your help Guiseppe!
05-29-2013 08:49 AM
I just had a thought. If you refer to the diagram, I will have some EIGRP networks that will be seperated by BGP.
If I tag all EIGRP routes with a tag of 90 at all sites that have EIGRP, I will deny all routes that are tagged with 90 as they are redistributed back into EIGRP. This would be bad as routes that would be redistributed into BGP from Shelton would have a tag of 90 - so, these same routes...when redistributed back into EIGRP on the MK1006, would be dropped. Does that make sense?
So, would it be better if I tagged EIGRP routes as they were redistributed on each router with a different tag number? For instance; Shelton EIGRP routes would be tagged with 91 as they were redistributed into BGP, Wilmington EIGRP routes would be tagged with 92 as they were redistributed into BGP.....etc..... Then when redistributing BGP into EIGRP on Shelton, I would deny routes tagged with 91 but, permit routes tagged with 92?
Actually I hope I didn't confuse the issue. I won't be doing any redistribution on the Wilmington router initially but, will when we move that router to the MPLS cloud in the near future. But if you replaced the Wilmington router with the MK1006 in the example I tried to explain, the same applys.
Thank you
05-30-2013 04:42 AM
After thinking about this for a while I created what I think are the appropriate route maps to ensure there will be no loops. It seems a little extreme but I think it covers every thing. Could you take a look at it?
I think that I really need to attach my new WAN network doc for you to truely understand what I'm trying to accomplish. Is there a reason why I don't have a way to attach docs sometimes and other times I can?
Thank you
On MK1006:
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10
match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 21
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
match tag 92
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 91
route-map OSPF2BGP deny 10
match tag 21
match tag 91
match tag 92
route-match OSPF2BGP permit 15
match tag 90
route-match OSPF2BGP permit 20
set tag 110
route-map BGP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 90
route-map BGP2OSPF permit 15
match tag 92
route-map BGP2OSPF permit 20
set tag 21
route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 21
match tag 92
match tag 110
match tag 90
route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 15
set tag 91
route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 91
route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 92
match tag 21
On Shelton 1002:
route-map EIGRP2BGP deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
Match tag 21
Match tag 110
match tag 90
match tag 91
Route-map EIGRP2BGP permit 20
Set tag 92
route-map BGP2EIGRP deny 10
Match tag 92
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 20 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
Match tag 90
Match tag 91
Match tag 110
Route-map BGP2EIGRP permit 25
set tag 21
On AP-VPN-1001
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 21
match tag 92
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
set tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
On MK-VPN-1001
route-map EIGRP2OSPF deny 10 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 110
match tag 21
route-map EIGRP2OSPF permit 15
set tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP deny 10
match tag 90
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 15 Remark Must be updated with every added site IE: set tag 90 - something
match tag 91
match tag 92
match tag 21
route-map OSPF2EIGRP permit 20
set tag 110
06-04-2013 10:09 PM
Hello Patrick,
I have finally had a chance to look at your network diagram (again posting a jpeg image would make easier when dealing with multiple PCs in accessing CSC).
The configuration that you are proposing has the right approach given your very specific network scenario.
The route-tag values has to be diffferentiated per protocol and per site as you have noted.
I think that IOS will write the commands like
match tag value1 value2 value3
because this a logical OR of match of same type in the same route-map block
Besides this, you have done a good job and you deserve a good rating.
So I decided to endorse your post.
Hope to help
06-05-2013 04:16 AM
Guiseppe - I appreciate your endorsement but, do you think I am going a little extreme? I'm a little concerned of complicating the network. On the other hand, without some sort of loop prevention I could really be complicating the network.
Do you think I could implement this in stages? I say this because by default the routing protocols should prevent the loops in this scenerio and doing alll this at one time could be scary on a production network.
I noticed when I try to redistribute BGP into another protocol I get the message:
"% "EIGRP2BGP" used as redistribute eigrp into bgp route-map, set tag not supported"
Also, if I am to implement this I'm going to have to have a good argument. If we don't use some kind of loop prevention how would a loop form?
Could you please give a couple of examples in this type of scenerio?
Thank you.
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