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ws-c4948 10G I could use some help please.

So I'm brand new to Cisco awesome equipment though. I bought a switch and when I first booted it up it was stuck in a boot-loop. So I researched and read and through trial and error I got it unstuck and the correct image in place. So I am configuring the switch have not done a tftp server yet and follow a wrong procedure and assign the wrong ip address to the switch I was supposed to be doing a loop-back. So I figured I would just start over good practice right. I'm trying to self teach myself Cisco here that should tell you I'm not the brightest crayon in the box. So I  do a clear config all and it works great so great that even though I had supposedly done a running config save I now have no boot image no slot0 image and no boot system flash bootflash image. I did however make me a tftp server with tftp64 but cant for the life of me get the command right for Rommon to drop me an image. Hell at one point I could see on a reset it said boot  booted from 0x010 cat4500-entservicesk9-mz.150-2.SG10.bin it was right there just not in the right position I have been driving myself crazy here could someone please throw me in the right direction?

Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(31r)SGA4
Supervisor: WS-C4948 Chassis: WS-C4948
Hardware Revisions - Board: 6.0 CPLD: 4 Dagobah: 225

MAC Address : 00-15-c6-de-ef-ff
IP Address :
Netmask :
Gateway :
TftpServer :
Main Memory : 256 MBytes

***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
. .
Established physical link 100MB Full Duplex
Network layer connectivity may take a few seconds
. . .

******** The system will autoboot now ********

config-register = 0x102
Autobooting using BOOT variable specified file.....

Could not find a valid file in BOOT environment variable.
BOOT variable can be set from IOS. To find currently set
Rom Monitor variables, please type 'set' command.

For help on choosing a boot method, type 'confreg' command.
rommon 1 >

32 Replies 32

alright thank you again. That's the same file it was stuck on doing a loop the first time I turned it on.

So I got home from work and it seems my switch somehow reconfigured itself while I was at work. This is crazy.

For help on choosing a boot method, type 'confreg' command.
rommon 1 >cdelete /f /r bootflash:cat4500-ios-promupgrade-122_31r_SGA4delete /f
/r bootflash:cat4500-ios-promupgrade-122_31r_SGA4

monitor: command "cdelete" not found
rommon 2 >erase /f /r bootflash:cat4500-ios-promupgrade-122_31r_SGA4

monitor: command "erase" not found
rommon 3 >clear /f /r bootflash:cat4500-ios-promupgrade-122_31r_SGA4
Clear commands:

clear boot clear BOOT variable
clear bootldr clear BOOTLDR variable
clear config use 'clear config help' for more info
clear ip use 'clear ip help' for more info
rommon 4 >

Im not sure which one to use 

1. Boot the appliance into IOS: boot bootflash:cat4500-entservicesk9-mz.150-2.SG10.bin
2. Delete the ROMMON upgrade file: delete /f /r bootflash:cat4500-ios-promupgrade-122_31r_SGA4
3. Change the config-register value:

conf t
 config-register 0x2101

4.  Reboot

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