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CMS 1000: what is the main difference between single combined and single split server deployment on virtualized environment perpective ?

Level 4
Level 4

I have only one CMS 1000 server . but im really confused after reading the deployment guide on virtualized environment perspective.

does single combined server means all roles in one single VM in a physical server or separate roles in different VMs in a physical server (ucs 220 M4) ?

similarly does single split server means edge and core in separate VMs with corresponding roles as mentioned in the guide   in a physical host (ucs 220 M4) ? or is it means 2 separate physical host server machine for core and edge server with corresponding roles?


I can see TURN server in both deployment types. TURN should be in the DMZ area right? in that case what is the difference between the two deployment? Both have edge concepts.

please clarify this doubt. I got really confused.



1 Accepted Solution
18 Replies 18

Level 4
Level 4
any body to help in this regard?

"Single split server" is having "core" and "edge" functionality on different servers and no redundancy.


"Single combined server" is having both core + edge functionality in a single server (or not using edge functionality at all), with no redundancy.


"Scalable and resilient" deployments is having two or more CMS servers for redundancy, scalability or spreading load between sites.


All references are to virtual machines, rather than physical servers.  You may choose to separate "Core" and "Edge" functionality on a single physical server, using multiple VMs, if you wish. 


Also worth checking out are the CMS options with Expressway, where the "Edge" functionality is performed by Expressway rather than by a separate CMS instance:

"Single combined server" is having both core + edge functionality in a single server (or not using edge functionality at all), with no redundancy.

Is this without TURN server. i found TURN server still available in single combined deployment. how is that possible? single combined server will be in DC right instead of DMZ. so how TURN role come into play?

TURN could still be behind public NAT on the inside, or on a second interface. You.could also be using Expressway for TURN

thank you very much.
in that case is it not also split? that is the confusion i felt.
here also the role is split and single split server also it is split with core and edge.

let me tell you my project scenario. users will get connected to DC through VPN. no users available inside. every body will access the resources after get connected to VPN. VPN scenario is a must. Data center also contains cucm, cuc, and imp. no hard phone is allowed. means of communication will be only jabber. users dont have internet access from this data center even after they are connected through VPN.
cms 1000 server is available for conducting meeting and all meetings will be recorded. so that means there is recorder server. also they want to record jabber calling (IMP calling i mean) as well. but i think that is not possible to record through cms recorder.

only one CMS 1000 is available.

there are 2 firewall scenario - perimeter and internal firewall. even though users get connected through VPN concentrator they get resource access through DMZ only. since there is DMZ we choose the jabber calling will be done through expressway Eedge. I dont know this is good or bad. whether this will increase security or not.
or dont know its a good practice to do that. so little bit of confusion to choose this way or not.
since there is DMZ and every traffic for outside users is going through DMZ using VPN concentrator , CMS deployment we planned for single split deployment.

so what do you suggest in this scenario? whether users should use jabber calling through express edge and CMS meeting should use CMS edge and core?
also i want to know since there are 2 firewalls, should we use expressway edge with dual NIC or not?
i know its too much questions.
i want the best practice in this scenario.

In your case, single combined server in conjunction with Expressway, including for TURN, probably sounds like the way to go but I couldn't be certain.

If you haven't, I strongly suggest you review the Collab250 training in SalesConnect.



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Hi Jamie,

I am keep to get my hands on the COLLAB250 training. I checked on Sales Connect but it keeps saying invalid URL redirect. I was looking at the VOD link.

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Thanks Jamie. I still get this error. Is there a permission restriction of some sort here?


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I think you should have access to it:

Access Level: Partner, Distributor, Employee

PSS doesn't show a partner name for your CCO, there might be a problem there that's preventing you from accessing the course.



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why cant i download taht video. download button is greyed out. is there any reason for it?

i have one CMS 1000 to deploy for the customer. only one VM pre-deployed. it has 60 GB RAM, 70 more extra CPU or RAM. all these assigned to this VM. Dont know why? 300 GB of datastore. in that 150 already used.

We need one Recorder. But where can I deploy this Recorder i dont know. can I reduce the RAM and CPU that was redeployed.

so how much recorder needed - vCPU and vRAM?

i cant use recorded in one VM in production right?

Not sure why it's not available for download, you'd need to ask the team in charge of that the reason.


1 CMS 1K = 1 CMS instance

Read here for recording specs

Cisco Meeting Server, Deployment Planning and Preparation Guide   



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so now im getting some picture of this system.

what Nick Halbert-Lillyman and replied is entirely different.

what nick told that in CMS 1000 all are deployed in VM ie in different instance.

but you told that 1 CMS 1000 is one VM instance. so there is no possibility second VM as recorder. the client already purchased recorder license. in this case how will i utilise this license with the current CMS 1000. implementation for vxrail is going on is it possible to install Recorder VM in it then?

or Can I activate the recorder component in CMS 1000 ? is there any problem with it?