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Bulk Phone update for Owner User ID

Level 1
Level 1

     I have a Call Manager 9.1.2 installation with all phones auto registered (using device mobility) and all the users enabled with extension mobility. This is great because phones only need to have extension mobility enabled before they can start being used which cuts down greatly on deployment configuration and we don't have to track which phone is on which desk.

     The only problem is that we are over on licensing because the phones do not have the owner userid set and are using additional license. I was able to export the list of logged in phones so I have a csv with the phone device name and user is belongs to. I have been trying to find a way to bulk update the phones with the new owner user id but the only options available are by query or custom file (which only selects the phones not what is updating for that phone), I dont want to go through 500 phones individually and set the field as that is a huge waste of time and I don't have access to any interns. The only other option I could think of would be to do an Phone Insert with overide existing selected but I do not want user's to be logged out of the phone or to have any other option changed.

     I have noticed when uploading a file to the bulk administration that there is an option for "Phone Update - CSV File" in addition to "Phone Update - Custom File" but have been unable to find where I would apply this. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am getting close to the end of the 60 grace period for being over subscribed on lisencing.

4 Replies 4


An option could be export all phones via BAT (selecting all phone detail), change the "Owner" field using Excel, upload the modified file to CUCM (selecting all phone detail) and using the option "insert phones" overwriting" the existing configuration.

If you want, you can try exporting all phones but reimport just a couple of phones to verify if the behaviour is what you expect.




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So, this Export All and Insert All details works ok.

But I do have the same question, where does the file uploaded as "Update Phones - CSV File" goes to?

It seems that this is the option when we want to update just some fields via BAT, but I also can't find where to go.

Im my case, I need to remove some services and subscribe new ones, if I go via Update Phones, I can only remove duplicated services, not delete existing before.

So the only way I found so far, is to Insert Phones All details, deleting previous subscribed services, but this does not sound the better way to do, and there is also the cons of having to manipulate a huge file, with so many fields that you screw something huh...


Hello, existe-il une autre méthode pour faire le owner user id en bulk que celle d’import/exportma platforme est senssible, elle comporte plus de 100 000 devices