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Need Help with Manual Failover of UCM, UCX, CCX, and CUPS

Level 1
Level 1

UCM: Pub01, Sub02, and Sub03 (Disaster Recovery) - System version:

UCX: UCX01 and UCX02 (DR) – version: 9.1.2ES46.12900-46

CCX: CCX01 - System version:

CUPS: CUPS01 and CUPS02 (DR) - System version:

CER(Emergency Responder Admin): CER01 and CER02 (DR)

I am planning a Disaster Recovery test that will last for three days. I have little experience with CM, UCX and etc. I inherited this voice system, so I am not completely familiar with the voice design.

Below is my plan for manually failing over my voice system to my DR servers.

  1. Login to UCM, find the relevant CM Group, change the server order from Sub02_Sub03 to Sub03_Sub02. Save my changes in the CM Group and Reset the Group. At this point, all my phones assigned to the CM Group/Device Pool will Reset/Registered to Sub03.
  2. Login to UCX01 via CLI. Excute "utils system shutdown". At this point, all Voice Mail system should failover to UCX02. I will then power down UCX01.
  3. Login to Pub01 and Sub02. Excute "utils system shutdown". I will then power down Pub02 and Sub02. At this point, Sub03 is the only Active CM server.
  4. Verify Registered Phones and Call Activity in RTMT
  5. Login to CCX01. Excute "utils system shutdown". I will then power down CCX01. Question: Will inbound calls to main office number, be forwarded to Voice Mail while the CCX01 is powered down?
  6. Login to CUPS01. Excute "utils system shutdown". I will then power down CUPS01. At this point, CUPS02 is the only Active server.
  7. Login to CER01. Excute "utils system shutdown". I will then power down CER01. At this point CER02 is the only Activer server.

    At this point, I am expecting all of my voice communications/applications will operate off the DR servers - Sub03, UCX02, CUPS02 and CER02.

    My Question:

Are there any configurations that I need to verify to ensure my voice system will work as expected?

What is the best way to manually failover my UCM, UCX, CCX and etc?

3 Replies 3

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Just come up with test cases that touch all applications, here are some suggestions:

inbound and outbound calling

Hold, transfer, conference

IM/P operation, login to Jabber, IM between clients

voicemail access, leave message, retrieve message

911 call ensuring proper ERL is used, 911 callback

Login as CCX agent, make sure CSQ calls get delivered

What do you mean " Login as CCX agent, make sure CSQ calls get delivered"?

You mention one of your apps CCX (contact center express), so to test proper operation of it the most important thing is to make sure you can login as an agent to the system and then be able to answer an ACD call delivered to a Contact Service Queue (CSQ), basically simulating one of your typical CCX calls flows.