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Transferring Calls to non-subscriber extensions

Level 1
Level 1

My understanding on Unity, with regard to outside callers dialing an extension out of a call handler, is that Unity by default will only process transfers bound for Unity subscribers. If an outside caller dials a conference room phone for example, which does not have an associated mailbox, Unity will not transfer the call.

I am aware of one workaround: the Caller System transfer. This allows a user to press a key and then be able to dial any extension.

The problem is my customer is not happy with the workaround. They simply want to dial any extension out of auto attendant and have Unity transfer and release the call to the switch(Call Manager). This actually makes sense to me since I have never encountered another voice mail system besides Unity that has this restriction.

Is there any way to make unity simply blind transfer calls out of the call handler without using the caller system transfer?

14 Replies 14

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

First, you can dial any subscriber or call handler or name lookup handler defined in the system - there is no requirement that a mailbox be associated with the extension. However some object needs to be associated with it in the dialing domain (which can span multiple Unity servers) and to "free dial" an undefined extension you have to access the system transfer conversation.

Level 1
Level 1

We created internet accounts for all extensions that do not have mailboxes.This allowed us to transfer calls from Unity to non mail box subscribers.we used a supervised transfer with eight rings, if not answered in 8 rings Unity will pull the call back and inform the caller that the extension is not availible.If the called extension is busy with supervised transfer unity will also prompt the caller.


I setup call handlers for each extension that does not have a subscriber associated with it.It does seem kind of silly that you cannot transfer a call to the system.

I'm not sure what you mean - can you be a little more clear and detailed here please? Of course you can transfer a call into the system - I'm confused by what you're complaining about...

can you transfer it without having a subsriber account or another call handler with that desired extension? I would like to setup a auto attendant type handler to answer and then transfer the calls to the desired extension.

I think what he and I are unhappy with is the fact that, as you mentioned, to "free dial" an undefined extension you have to access the system transfer conversation.

Why not make "free dialing" an option in the general call handler configuration rather than requring a keypress to go to the system transfer conversation? This is particularly appliciable in manufacturing environments where many manufacturing floor phones exist, but do not have a voice mail. Most telecom admins simply want to state in the call handler greeting, "Dial your extension at any time" rather than, "press 1 to dial an extension."

The current Unity feature set forces administrators in screnarios like the one I mentioned above to choose between a) adding an option to enter the system transfer conversation in the opening greeting or b) to configure a unity object (like a call handler or an internet subscriber) to allow outside callers to dial non-subscriber extensions from the opening greeting. Many find this to be a frustrating limitation.

An option to "free dial" one or more ranges of extensions directly from an opening greeting would be a nice feature add

Sorry, don't mean to sound too harsh! It's just that I get this request all the time.



Level 1
Level 1

Can you plz give me the steps of ur workaround that u have mentioned above

"I am aware of one workaround: the Caller System transfer. This allows a user to press a key and then be able to dial any extension"

it will be very helpful for me to deploy the same thing for my network

Normally we have a setup like this "if sombody dials from outside to subscriber(user) and if he is not availabe then phone will ring for N no of times and forwarded to voice mail then outside user can leave the voice mail for him" but i want after reaching to his voice mail, outside user should get the option to dial an another extension or leave the voice mail for him'

Please help me to find the solution if any.


Hi -

You can do this with a combination of two settings on a subscriber's Unity account.

1. On the Subscriber's Greeting page, select the check box that says During Greeting - Allow Caller Input.

2. On the subscriber's Caller Input page, select the check box that says Allow callers to dial an extension during greeting.

These settings can be updated for existing multiple subscribers using the Bulk Edit tool. Or you can make these settings using a Subscriber template that gets applied as users are imported into Unity.

You might have your subscribers include this information in their greetings. If the caller dials the extension of another Unity subscriber while listening to a person's greeting, Unity will say "Please wait while I transfer your call." However the caller won't know this option is available without being prompted, So your subscribers could say "Hello, you've reached XXXX's voicemail. Please leave a message or dial another employee's extension now to be transferred..." Something like that. A better option might be to include a key press in each subscriber's caller input settings that allows callers to reach a directory handler so they can search for subscribers in your directory, especially if the caller does not know your extensions or you don't want callers to know the extensions of your employees.


Hi Ginger, we have that all enabled, however when a caller dials an extension it will tranfer the call directly to the dialed extension's voicemail rather than ring the phone.

For example if I call x8890 then let it go to voicemail, during the greeting, if I dial extension 8891, it will go straight to the voicemail box of 8891 instead of ringing the phone first. It doesn't even say it's transferring the call, just goes straight.

Any ideas? Thanks. :)

Unity 4.0(4)

You need to change the setting on that user or bulk edit everyone.

Call Transfer

Transfer incoming phone calls to?

Yes, ring subscriber extension..

Then it will not got to vm right away....

Depending on your switch config, you may have to play with supervised or release to switch



Thanks for the reply, however all callers already have those settings enabled. I verified the two extensions I was testing and those have it enabled as well.

I found the problem though. In Call Transfer it's set to transfer incoming calls to greeting. Doh. :) Thanks.

Level 1
Level 1

We've been asking for this for three+ years, using PERs, CIPTUG forums and basically any place we think there is a chance it will be heard.

The current transfer requirements are pretty hideous, based on our needs.

It would be so nice if the system transfer process could be made the default transfer process. Of course the default behaviour should remain the same as it has been.

In our environment, and maybe this is expecting too much, we want the system to do what it is told. By that I mean if a caller asks to be transferred to extension 5175, that is what happens. We want Unity to release calls to the switch AS DIALED.

And as noted, people don't want to access a special menu item before dialing the desired extension.

Those PERs have come up and been roundly rejected by both the product and development folks. We are never going to switch to a model where regardless of where you are in the auto attendant when you dial some digits if we don't find an exension in the database for a user, call handler, interviewer, name lookup handler etc... that we just assume you're meaning to direct dial and extension and dump you out of the system with a release transfer to that number. Not going to happen. The system transfer option is as good as it gets.

You can route to the system transfer conversation in other ways than just off menu item entries, by the way - I've had sites do direct routing to the system transfer conversation when users enter the system on a particular dialed number or the like.

Also, in 4.3 there will be access to the subscriber system transfer conversation from directly within the mailbox conversation - so you can hit your messages button and off the main menu access the sub system transfer (which uses the subscriber's restriction table instead of a system wide one that the regular system transfer does) which will let you "free dial" within restriction table limits. this might also make things a bit easier for folks calling into the system.