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Member since ‎12-18-2016

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 Hi all,Any idea about the traceback logs shown on my Cisco ASR1002x with IOS Version 16.6.4?I tried to decode the logs but I wasn't lucky enough! Traceback= 1#d9d4dba7684b22f94e3084f41efc5b74 :55D212EFB000+6DF98D9 :55D212EFB000+64C66C0 :55D212EFB000...
Dear All, Hi, According to the attached file, I have run a VPLS base network which my clients connect to the BRASs through PPPoE connection.I have an issue on my VPLS-PE-2 router, when I connect my BRASs directly to the VPLS-PE-2, my PE-2 doesn't lea...
Hello dear colleagues,  Is there any way to configure "switchport vlan mapping default drop" on cisco 6800 interfaces? or any alternative solution for this case? my interface configuration is shown below:   interface TenGigabitEthernet7/28switchport ...
Hi Dear All, I want to filter the RA packets by using IPv6 nd raguard feature, when I try to create a policy with this command "ipv6 nd raguard policy TEST" it gives me this message: "Service not enabled" does anyone know which feature or service exa...
Hi, I need help to understand the exact meaning of "Mac Etype/Proto CAM" in my show hardware capacity forwarding command on Nexus 7700? there are 11 in used but I don't know what are they? The picture of my show command is attached. Thanks    
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Member Since ‎12-18-2016 10:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-15-2019 03:29 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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