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Member since ‎10-30-2020

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hello,  I wanna ask about ssh tunel and port forward 1) between ssh tunel and port forward is just about the encryption, on port forward the packes are not encrypted and on the ssh tunel are encrypted 2) to set up a ssh tunel I need first to set up o...
hello again guys, long time no see :)))  this time I have a new problem, the DDNS problem, to explain,  I have a ddns name from my ISP myname.go.ro, and I want to use this ddns to access the asa, sw L3, some pcs from my virtula hypervisor and I can't...
Cisco Software Discussionshey, I wanna ask you if I can slow down or reduce cooler speed to reducing the noise of it ? I have a cisco switch c3550 with 48 ports fast ethrnet and I wanna know if possible  thx
hey guys, Finally I setup my network infrastructure of dreams :)))) but I have some question that pop-ups in my mind. Let ms first to sheme my network. ISP modem(USE PPPOE) --> ASA --> router 2611xm --> switch 2950 --> host Question 1: After I config...
Hello, can someone help with a setup with a firewall asa 5505 soft version 8.4.5 I want to secure my private lan modem(isp) --> firewall connection need to be on PPPoE --> router --> sw --> host I need tips and trick I'm new with this
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Member Since ‎10-30-2020 12:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-20-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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