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Member since ‎02-26-2021

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  • 35 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received
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Good Morning Cisco Community, Hopefully this is a quick and easy question. I am upgrading a 1G SFP SR to a 10SFP LRM on an OM1 line is it possible to experience issues if the run is say just 50ft? I am doing a lot of research on SFP's and I am findin...
I hope this is a general question and its hard to word the question to search online. Here is my console port config:line con 0session-timeout 30logging synchronouslogin authentication CONSOLEstopbits 1 I am currently unable to console into this swit...
I have a Cisco 2960-X AL and a 3850-XS 10G SFP+. I have added an etherchannel bundle of 2 interfaces on both switches and the port-channel is up. The goal is to increase the throughput capability of the 2960-X. My question is, as the ports say they'r...
I am my honing my troubleshoot skills and I have a general inquiry on switch stacks. I have a member that went down and I am curious on do and donts of adding it back without restarting the whole stack. I am aware that stacking a live member will cau...
Hello everyone,Entry-level technician here trying to learn/use the debug command. I have a cisco c3560cx access layer switch that is not allowing DHCP through to devices on a particular VLAN, even ones with reserved addresses. I'm confident I know wh...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-26-2021 01:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-25-2022 12:04 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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