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Member since ‎06-23-2021

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  • 107 Posts
  • 8 Solutions
  • 105 Helpful votes Given
  • 125 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, We have some old hardware WSAs which we are receiving permission denied errors.  The WSAs are running an ancient Asyncos 11.8, we are going to upgrade them soon. Nevertheless, we need ftp access on these WSAs because the disk is full: Disk spa...
Hello, We were trying to retrieve some log files from the wsa itself. However, we are receiving no such directory errors once we try to open a log folder e.g. accesslogs. Let me tell you that this happen only on hardware appliances!! on virtuals we h...
Hello, We are having issues with our ESAs when we are receiving mails from The issue happened suddenly since till now we had no issues. The efficiency is at its default, we are thinking to increase it, still we cannot understand why the iss...
Hello, Today, we received the following alert: Warning is: Detected service: SMTP without STARTTLS Do you have any idea how to correct this? or to which service / mail communication is related?  
Hello, According to the documentation, I enabled snmp traps with snmpconfig. I also found some OIDs which can be helpful for polling.    Client Requests / Second cacheThruputNow (. throughput in the last minute Re...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-23-2021 03:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 107
Total Helpful Votes Received 125
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