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Member since ‎10-17-2021

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Looking for help creating VLAN's and assigning ports as ACCESS and not TRUNK.  If it were CLI I would be done now, but I can't figure out why the GUI won't let me switch ports from TRUNK to Access.  I'm setting up a few VLANs for user and VIDEO to se...
We've recently implemented WhatsUP Gold using SNMP v3 on our network and as the FW engineer I've been asked if we can add the firewalls to the display by configuring the FMC v7.0.  I've attempted it, but when building the user it wants me to enter he...
Our network team has been asked to evaluate a simple NPM solution and would like to try two different ones, WhatsUp Gold and SolarWinds.  Question:  Can you configure both at the same time on your network to the same devices?  I've attempted this, bu...
You would think by now Cisco would allow you to enter CIDR searching when doing a capture.  I can use less than a /24 when using (0) as the last octet, but no where else.  In today's firewalls why can't the searches be allowed using the full capabili...
Thank you for looking in.   I'm reviewing the port requirements for StackWise Virtual and want to know the number of ports required for this configuration type.  The network design is a basic IR/DR collapsed core as depicted in the attachment.  From ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-17-2021 09:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-05-2024 12:24 AM
Posts 22
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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