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Member since ‎06-30-2005

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Hi, I have a setup where we have 2 Nexus 9K's connected with 2 Fabric Interconnect. In the Port channels in the Nexus 9K will it be spanning-tree port type network or it will be  spanning-tree port type edge trunk ? Logically if i treat the Fabric In...
Hello, Does anybody know if somebody hijacks a BGP prefix where to register a complaint ? So if the incident happened in APNIC region will it be APNIC ? ANy help appreciated.. Thanks Zak
Hi,I am trying to figure out how can I NAT the source IP address of Outside hosts in the ASA when they try to access a router  located in the Inside network so that I do not have to put a route pointing back for those Outside subnet's in the router. ...
In which cases would I configure same STP priority for both Nexus 55k placed as Aggregation switches in a data center
I have a router connected to a provider via POS and once we commissioned the link we are receiving the following logs010091: .May 7 06:58:34.353 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POSx/x/x, changed state to down010092: .May 7 06:59:...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-30-2005 03:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-06-2017 09:27 AM
Posts 126
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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