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Member since ‎04-24-2017

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Is there a way to collect stats such as analog port utilization and number of historical calls from a VG224 via SNMP? I could not find any OID that works. Thanks
Hello folks:I just reserved a sandbox environment from Cisco (Packaged Contact Center Enterprise 12.5(1) Sandbox) to practice on CVP and reporting. I am new to this but I believe the reporting component is not installed in this packaged environment. ...
Our goal is to visualize the number of calls and calculate utilization over time and we would like to collect and save the channel details based on E1 ports.CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB is not supported on 4000 so we need to find another way to collect this in...
We are collecting some netflow data from our Cisco ISR router and noticed a netflow field that shows the application ID for the detected traffic. The field is in hex format but it is ok. Our goal is to locate an SNMP table on ISR that tells us the ap...
Is there a WEBEX API that we can use to probe externally and collect meeting details and historical call quality stats (audio/video/app etc.)?I believe these are the available APIs: XML, URL, REST. Does the rest API provide this information? If so, w...
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Member Since ‎04-24-2017 05:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-29-2021 07:54 PM
Posts 32