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Member since ‎11-25-2014

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Hi all, Anyone could advise wht the equivelant of above command is on NXOS V9.3 in order to only advetise perifixes belong to loopback interfaces? Thanks  
could someone please advise what the equivelant of show etherchannel summary is on FTD. on regular cli when I do show ? I cannot see any command to give me that details. by doning #show int port-channel .. I only get the satus which is up. 
Hello, I have created a huntgroupp with 10 members. I have set the Distribution Algorithm to Longest Idle time. Problem is some extensions complain that they receive all the calls while some extensions saying that their phone didnt ring at all. I ha...
Is it possible to set a 0845 as CLI on CME? I have a ISDN 30 with 20 DDIs. problem is departments advertise different numbers to customers;  one of them uses a 0845 number as company's main number and the other one uses ISDN main billing number as th...
Hi,  might be a stupid question. but if I configure a fxs port to work with fax, do I still need an ATA to connect my fax to?  I have an ISDN30 coming to the router and recently I have asked BT to add a new number to that so I can use it as a fax num...
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Member Since ‎11-25-2014 03:42 AM
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