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Member since ‎08-28-2004

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  • 152 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 27 Helpful votes Given
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I am trying to settle a bet with this question.  Did Unity 3/4 have a sound that played over the PC Speaker on the server when the actually Unity service started up fully to the green checkmark?  I know this is silly so thanks in advance for answerin...
Running Attendant Console with CUCM 6.1(3).  The directory is being pulled from an LDAP source.  The user can log into the application and search the directory based on Department codes.  Information is presented.  After some time the information wil...
I have downloaded and installed the Supervisor Desktop from an IPCC server that had its IP address changed.  Now when I try and run the Supervisor Desktop it fails and the log file shows it is trying to log into the previous IP.  How can I change thi...
I have a client that wants the speakerphone to auto answer between 8am-3pm but have it turned off outside of those hours. Is there anyway at all to do this?
I am running CUCM 6.1.2. I have setup to prefix incoming national numbers 71. I have had a few numbers come through that aren't prefixed with these digits. Any thoughts?
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Member Since ‎08-28-2004 02:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-15-2021 08:02 AM
Posts 152
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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