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Level 1
Member since ‎06-30-2008

User Statistics

  • 16 Posts
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  • 12 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi all, i am currently testing a feature that described as DHCP session mac throttle in an ASR9k its functionality role is a DHCPv4 proxy.  I applied the following command : dhcp ipv4 profile <NAME> proxy sessions mac throttle 3 60 100  and from my u...
Hi all,I have enabled ssh on a router and wanted to have both telnet and ssh for a while. The problem is that when i telnet to the router it shows three times the login prompt username:and disconnects! eg. <LOGIN BANNER>Username:Username:Username:ss...
Hi, we have a problem with a problem with an alcatel device.the problem is that when we telnet (from the management server) to the device everything is ok, but when we give a particular command the results never come back through the telnet console! ...
Hi,I want to monitor the temperature of the CIsco 7609 i have found the OID responsible for the temperature but it has many instance..although the machine reports many temperatures from all cards and ASIC chips...can you please tell me which are the ...
HI,We encounter a weird problem the other day. one of our 3560 switch got stucked. All interface activity leds suddently stopped went off. and the switch was not forwarding any traffic! after reload the problem was restored...after a week another one...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-30-2008 10:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-22-2020 01:02 AM
Posts 16
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