Ronald Spencer
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎06-01-2007

User Statistics

  • 88 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 58 Helpful votes Given
  • 35 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I have a customer that has 2811 router with a vwic2-4fxo.  There is a route pattern whose destination is a port on that fxo card, the cable of which is twisted directly into a self-amplified speaker series (without a paging interface).  I am all but ...
Hi NetPros,I inherited a network that was poorly configured.  It is really more like an onion.  As I peel back each layer, it causes my eyes to water (if you know what I mean).  My latest challenge is Spanning Tree.  I have a largely non-redundant, m...
HI NetPros, I am trying to move my single point of failure up from my 3750 to my pix 515e.  Currently, the 3750 has a default route to the pix inside interface.  I have a second 3750 that I have confgured with HSRP.  I would like to add it in the mix...
Hi all,I have a queue-based script where that is not ending at the terminate step. More specifically, if an agent becomes available and the call is dequeued, because it has made the connection, it advances to the terminate step. However, it does no...
Hi all,I have a difficult situation that I am not sure how to handle.We have a branch location that is connected via a 2821 to the campus over MPLS. there is a voice T on site (for local calling). They have recently acquired another building that w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-01-2007 02:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 01:29 PM
Posts 88
Total Helpful Votes Received 35