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Member since ‎08-19-2005

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I know with a ASA5510-SEC-BUN-K9, you can increase eth0/0 and eth0/1 to gigabit with the right IOS.  Is the same possible with the CSC version of the ASA?Exact pn is ASA5510-CSC10-K9.  I believe I only have the base license for the ASA, but the secur...
CCM 4.2(3)Have a number of new 7921G phones replacing our 7920 devices.  Users love them but our receptionist is not.  The default softkeys on the home screen are 'Messages' and '?' (something I can't remember but doesn't matter).  Pressing 'Messages...
I have some 7920 devices that I will be replacing eventually (one immediately) with 7921G devices.  Currently we run CCM 4.2(3). Do I need a 7921 with a license or can the 7920 license cover the new 7921?
Following the steps in: to configure SBL (ASDM), when I try to assign the XML profile to the group policy (step 11), I hit OK after choosing the XML fi...
User has IP Communicator over AnyConnect VPN. Calls between extensions work fine, seems to work if user places call to outside, but when a call comes in when the user attempts to answer, the call is dropped. He thinks it happens mostly with interna...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-19-2005 12:23 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 118
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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