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Member since ‎07-12-2012

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Actually i want to configure time frame for my User. For example 10.00 am to 5.00 pm he /she able to call outing going call. After that auto out going call will be block . But intercom should be open ..... Can u give some idea about this issue .........
When i join ACS express 5.0 with AD i find these error..... Can some one give any idea........"Required service unavailable.  DNS is setup correctly, and the domain  controller is reachable. However, one of the required services, such as  ldap, kerbe...
I have  a Cisco Wlc 4402 , denon 3312 & AP 1142 all three devices are same subnet . But Airpaly not showing in Iphone. But if i put a Airport express in on these subnet then i find airplay option. Give me some idea how without Airport express i can e...
I have a CUCM 7.1 . which is a single SIP trunk & its working fine. But there is a new issue are arrige . we have a IPTSP number like 096XXXXX.but i got new IPTSTP number like 096YYYYY. so is there any chance to do in a single SIP trunk i ...
I have a cisco 2960 PoE 24 port switch.  Adding  12 pcs cisco Aironet 1142 AP is running ok but when i try to add more....... that time switch Fan speed going high......& also disconnect additional AP , its some time runing up or down. ## sh processe...
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Member Since ‎07-12-2012 06:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 12