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Member since ‎07-10-2003

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Hi,Is it possible to make next design -->*WLC*--LAN--*LAP1* --WLAN-- *WGB*--LAN--*LAP2*So, is there any limitations, will LAP2 reach the WLC?Thanks,Teemu
Hi,I'm trying to build tunnel between our ASA 5510 and service providers Juniper Netscreen.IKE phase 1 tunnel works fine, but IPsec phase 2 tunnel dosen't. Based on logs on both sides, it seems that problem is in proxy-id configurations, so protected...
Hi,We have now couple of times had a situation when some LAPs have lost the connection to the WLC. Only way to got LAPs back to live has been hard reset (mode button + power off). I have all the time been able to ping LAPs on hanging situations. Have...
Hi all,I'm connected to autonomous 1230 AP via serial cable. The issue is that the firmware is wrong for that type of AP. When it has downloaded the wrong IOS, it boot immediately, so the loading process is in forever loop. How I can interrupt the IO...
Hi all,I had wierd (for me) behavior in my network yesterday. I connect sw2 (2950C) to sw1 (6000) and it generates STP blocking and broadcast storm to the network, whole network was down because of that. There was no hosts connected to sw2. Network i...
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Member Since ‎07-10-2003 03:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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