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Member since ‎02-28-2007

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I have a MeetingPlace Express 2.1.1 installation and have configured Automatic Backup and Archiving but I can't find any documentation (or parameters) that dictate WHEN the backup is occurring. The DocWiki page only states that archiving automaticall...
I have a customer who just migrated from point-to-point T-1s to an MPLS network. They have a hoot 'n' holler application that uses voice streams via multicast; therefore, I did GRE tunnels over MPLS to get multicast across the WAN. Right now, I have ...
My customer has a Hoot n Holler application on their entreprise that consists of 7936s plugged into fxs ports which PLAR to a VoIP dial-peer with "session protocol multicast" and that, of course, gets multicast around the enterprise.So my challenge i...
My customer has a Hoot n Holler application on their entreprise that consists of 7936s plugged into fxs ports which PLAR to a VoIP dial-peer with "session protocol multicast" and that, of course, gets multicast around the enterprise.So my challenge i...
Last night, I converted a remote site which had multicast, onto MPLS. Therefore, I am now attempting multicast over GRE. Site A is working, and has multicast coming in from one remote site via G0/0 (remote vif , and is working. Site A ha...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-28-2007 07:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 270
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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