HI allIn Cisco ISR G2 C2900 EOL Notice:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/routers/2900-series-integrated-services-routers-isr/eos-eol-notice-c51-737831.htmlRouters 2900 Series will be "for "End of SW maintenance release date : HW" by ...
Hello,I want to have 6509 CatOS (8.8.3) and MFSC configured for SSH (VTY/transport input ssh). Then I can't use anymore the command "session 15" from switch as this command seems to be a telnet to the MFSC card.If I enter on MFSC, "transport input te...
Hello,I am searching for informations regarding reliability between two access switch solutions : One base on 2x Cat 3750, and one 4503 with Sup2+,2x 48p 10/100/1000 and 2 PSU. I have found Info regarding MTBF for 3750 : - 168kH with 1 Power Sup ...
Hello DeepakNavite means VLAN without tagging. Each trunk have a native VLAN and one or More VLAN with Tagging.2 Swithes will communicate with Native VLAN on both side, but if one of the 2 got a specifiv VLAN with Tagging you will need specific conf...
Hi allIs there anyone got a working config to extract CDR from CISCO call manager Express to an external FTP server ?I plan to use IOS 15.7 / CME 12.thx in advance for advicesrgdsPatrick.
Hello Ratheesh
can you please point me to link , where it is explained that CUCILync is still supported with V11.5 ?
I am looking for strong argument to explain to my Customer that he can't use CUCILync anymore.
He is in V9 and wants to move to 11.5
Hello, Can you pls provide me with this config exemple too, pls (sicsic@fr.ibm.com).Using Srst as back-up. Does it mean that, SRST can send keep alive to CME, and switch as SRST when Ip connectivity with CME fails ?This mean too that something need t...