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Member since ‎09-27-2010

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Dear allI have a question , our customer want to upgrade their callmanager and unity connection from 7.1.5 to 8.5.1 then order the upgrade package and feature license from cisco , now i recevied the software disk but i can not upgrade unity connectio...
Does any one can tell me what web functional can modify enduser pin password !!thanksHappy new yearharvey
Hi AllI have a question, our customer has two ccms and one unity connection , the user using EM login their ccm to get extension number. the end user account synchronize from ad server. customer hope that the user can change pin number by themselves....
Dear AllI have two CCM7 server , now I have an question , As Follow is my environment1、Two CCMs are Cluster2、One Unity Connection provide voice-mail and Auto Attendant services3、2911 router is voice gateway , it connent a ISDN PRI LINE ( 30B+D )4、 No...
Dear allNow , I meet an question, Our Customer has an ipt network and they tell us the ip phone need to apply partition and css policy in each phone , Does any can help me , Has any one can tell me best method to be possible to let me fast complete t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-27-2010 08:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 83