Michael Medwid
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Member since ‎10-10-2016

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I am hoping to upgrade the WLCs - listed below by revision and model - to v 8.5.131. Can they all be upgraded directly to the new version? Or is an intermediary version required to be in place first before jumping to 8.5.131?
I want to limit SSH access to a Cisco ASR 9k switch running IOS XR Software, Version 6.2.3   From this document https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/resources/increase_security_ios_xr_devices.html#18 ..I tried to limit the ability to SSH to the ma...
I have some sysadmins trying to add Dell storage to a Cisco 9k. They are seeing a lot of latency in storage operations. Dell insists that the problem lies in needing flow control enabled. My question is more general. If the client to the storage is s...
I am trying to register a CIPC 8.6.5 client for the first time to a CUCM 10.5.2 cluster. The CIPC client running on windows 10 gets stuck at message configuring IP. The CUCM Admin page shows the phone's address but with status Rejected.  In CIPC Sett...
My storage engineers are seeing latency they are attributing to the network 20-30ms to from Dell/VMWare ESX servers - as seen in the Dell management utility. Dell blames the network and says the problem is that Flow Control is not enabled.  When I we...
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Member Since ‎10-10-2016 02:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2019 05:15 PM
Posts 16