Member since ‎12-24-2014

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  • 265 Posts
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  • 55 Helpful votes Given
  • 510 Helpful votes Received

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In IOS-XE, there is a command that allows you to encrypt the TACACS+ and RADIUS keys to Type 6 so you don't get the annoying alert about using deprecated password types. When I worked on a C1000 today (which is not using IOS-XE), I did not see the co...
Just recently swapped out a C3200 with a C8500. The C3200 had an Aux port that we could use reverse telnet to access the modem which would dial another modem at a remote location and enter the router there as a backup connection (if the VPN to that r...
===Goal===Port forward inbound HTTPS requests on TCP-4434 on the outside interface and translate it to TCP-443 as it is sent to a webserver===Issue===When trying to reach the web server using https://[outside IP address]:4434 in Firefox, I am automat...
Goal: Filter AnyConnect VPN connections on Firepower 2120 (managed by FMC) in a similar way that ASA's use DAP. Users authenticate to a Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS). Problem: I've found some admins talk about sending dynamic ACLs via the RAD...
Hardware: ASA 5510Version: 9.1(7)25AnyConnect File: anyconnect-win-4.7.01076-webdeploy-k9.pkg I've read many posts and watched multiple videos but for some reason I cannot get the web deploy page to show up that allows a user to authenticate and then...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-24-2014 10:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-22-2024 12:33 PM
Posts 265
Total Helpful Votes Received 510
Community Spotlight Award
English Community Questions Answered, January 2021
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