Ron Reid
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Member since ‎10-24-2016

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Hi All, With the 89x routers going end of sale I am trying to setup my 1st ISR-C1113 router using 4G LTE to for internet connectivity. I can only get the cellular interface to to apply for an IP address if I ping Until then the cellular prof...
I have a ISR1113 with XE c1100-universalk9_ias.16.08.01.SPA.bin and I'm trying to activate the right to use licence with no joy. The Cisco configuration guide has no useful information on the licensing for this router and the right-to-use command doc...
Hi all,I'm configuring my 1st Cisco ISR1113 router, which we are using as replacement for the 897 small office routers. I'm trying to use the USB flash with no joy. The data sheet for the ISR1000 routers shows flash memory support Type A USB 3.0, and...
I have an issue happening on two of my routers different models and IOS versions.   On two if the sites I administer, the ISP has presented an internet connection on Ethernet provided a public IP address for the router and a gateway address. The arch...
Hope I can get some help on this. None of the searches on the issue I'm having has provided any useful info. I am operationally managing a newly installed CUCME 11.5 installation. The configuration and installation was outsourced and is an upgrade fr...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-24-2016 02:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-30-2022 12:05 AM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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