vishvak parameswaran
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Member since ‎09-23-2011

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Hi All,We have recently thought about using Cisco Jabber 10.5 in our environment for all contact center users follwoing are the versions we use CAD - 8.5UCCE - 8.5.3CUCM - 8.6.2 We do not have a presence server but are planning on the same as we requ...
hy all       is there any failover mechanism for extension mobility ??  if so what is the concept and how do we implement this failover mechanism ??Thanks in advanceRegards P.Vishvak
hy allI am very new to this field and still learning can someone help me gain knowledge on this subject my question is What are the files needed in VG for supporting a standalone CVP architecture  ?   (in specific the VXML,tcl and wav files ??What ar...
hy Is there any command i can use to verify that i am using H.323 protocol in my voice gateway if so kindly reply Thanks in advanceP.Vishvak
Hy I would like to know a few things about CUCM publisher and subscriber1.What is the time interval for a publisher to sync with its subscriber ?2.  If i am having a publisher and 4 subscribers and i find that one of the  subscriber is not able to up...
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Member Since ‎09-23-2011 01:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
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Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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