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Member since ‎07-30-2007

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We are running CUCM and Presence some of the users highlight numbers and call them using click to call (The click to call that comes as a part of CUPC), they are getting the following error box...ErrorFailed to start...
Hi folks,Having some trouble successfully implementing Call Custom Variables on CCX 7.0(1)Have been trying to use _ccdrVar1 etc, but no matter how I configure them, they don't show up in the historical reports.Has anyone had success with this? If so,...
Hi folks,Having some trouble successfully implementing Call Custom Variables on CCX 7.0(1)Have been trying to use _ccdrVar1 etc, but no matter how I configure them, they don't show up in the historical reports.Has anyone had success with this? If so,...
We have a number of 2811 routers with 3G/NextG HWICs. Each HWIC contains a working SIM card, which has a mobile number attached to it, and an antenna. We currently have data going over the NextG link. We are running Call Manager 7.1.We are looking to...
Just a quick question.We are curious to know the approximate time that it takes to mirror a single drive on a 7835-H2. This would be by removing one drive in the array and putting in a new one.Someone has said 30 minutes, but I felt that was maybe a ...
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Member Since ‎07-30-2007 07:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-24-2019 10:31 AM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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