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Member since ‎12-27-2001

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just moving over to the 3845 router from a 3660 we have an e1 pri used for modem dial in no probs on 3660 with digital mica modems, but on the 3845 it always wants to make it a voice configuration, when I shut down the voice-port and change the encap...
Just purchased some new MCS7835-H1s, but they came as a Unity bundle, i want to load CCM 3.3.4 initially to be the same as our existing older MCS 7835s but when I load disk 1 it says " This OS Version not support the detected server" what version d...
just got our first Linksys DSL gateway (WAG54G) to play with. works well as a DSL gateway and can run vpn clients through it ok. But I cannot get it to work properly as a Lan to Lan vpn gateway. The Isakmp SA and the Ipsec SAa are negotiated ok, but...
One of my users wants to stop people that use mobile(cell) phones from calling certain extensions. We are running standard Callmanager 3.3 using Router H323 gateways to the PSTN, I have had a quick look at COR but I don't know if that would do itI n...
I intermittently get the following in the event log of the Publisher,the files get left in the BAD directory. when I go to the CDR directoery I see the files coming in and getting cleared, so most of the time the cdr insert is working( I see the data...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-27-2001 04:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 215
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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