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Member since ‎09-30-2011

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  • 52 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Received
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Hello,A customer is asking to upgrade their LMS 3.0 to Prime 1.1.  However, the customer or their previous system's integrator never actually installed LMS 3.0.  The licensing and PAK were never used as well.  My question is, can I still use the migr...
During the installation of a LSI 6G MegaRAID 9260-4i, I'm prompted with the statements "The battery is missing" and "Protect against data loss in the event of a server or power failure by providing emergency power to the cache memory." Can anyone tel...
Hello everyone,Can someone confirm with me that Office 365's Exchange is supported in Unity Express 8.6?  The release notes do not answer my question:
Hello,Does Cisco have any "Battle Cards" against Mitel and Shortel?  I am working on a Collaboration Breakaway opportunity and I'm curious if Cisco has published material for Cisco partners to knock these two competitors out?Regards,Chad
Hello,Can someone confirm with me that the microphone (CTS-QSC20-MIC) which you can purchase with the SX20 endpoint is connected via a 3.5mm.  If not, is it USB?  Lastly, how long is the microphone's cable?  I don't see any specific details on this m...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-30-2011 07:06 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-08-2022 07:28 PM
Posts 52
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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