Voiceops SSC
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Member since ‎12-14-2009

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Is there a way to:Option#1•1.       Write sql job to remove certain “member” records or pending records because in Cisco’s Outbound option users guide clearly states,                     You should not no any operation in the DL_Tables. It seems like...
I just finished setting up a Background image for the Cisco phones in the company. I can already select the background image by going manually on each phone Settings-User Preferences-Background Images, but we have almost 500 7542Phones in the Enterpr...
   We have the need to create an ICM script/queue in which calls in queue are broadcast to the agents (much like in a line group distribution algorithm in CUCM) rather than distributed by longest available, top down, etc. Any suggestions are greatly ...
Hi,Is there a way to disable the dialer from retrying back a number?I want our dialer to dial a number and if is a RNA or Busy to close the record and move on, I don't want it to try later.thanks
I have a couple of Outbound campaigns (transfer to IVR) and we're running ICM 7.5 with CVP 7.In my ICM script using a Set node Im doing this:but in my cvp scripts I'm not getting the number (ani) but I have the number every where else i.e. t_Terminat...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-14-2009 11:06 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 78
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