Ahmed Salah Mohamed Hussein
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-05-2015

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  • 22 Posts
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Hi ,I want to modify a UCCX script to offer the calls normally to CSQ,  it will ring to an ready agent if no answer the call will be transfer to another CSQ , so even if the agent is Ready we need to re-route the call to another CSQ / Team when excee...
Regarding this bug, I did the workaround by adding the live data report using report view option. but I am still facing the same issue - UCCX v11.6(1).   Please advice.
Hi All, I'm asking if the UCCX system has a limited Applications for IVR scripts or not ?? Also what about the gateways is it possible to have two SIP lines and using separates applications and IVR Scripts?
Hi team, we are deploying the Web chat with Social Miner intergreated with UCCX. using a reverse proxy. the chat working properly, but sometimes the chat session disconnected and the chat session cannot be intiated. with below ERROR. Secure Connec...
Hi All,Please I need your assist to avoid this issue as below,We published a Web Chat that deployed by Cicso Social Miner integrated with UCCX.The issue on compatibility view in IE.11 related to the check box in "display intranet sites in compatibili...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-05-2015 05:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-29-2021 07:33 AM
Posts 22
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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