Mesrop Saakyan
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Member since ‎05-21-2011

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Hello, We have a Cisco UC540 with wireless. I would like add another SMB wireless access point to further the reach of the access point footprint. If I add another wireless access point will it work parallel with the built in wireless? I want to ens...
Hello, We have a Cisco UC540 with wireless. I would like add another SMB wireless access point to further the reach of the access point footprint. If I add another wireless access point will it work parallel with the built in wireless? I want to ens...
Hello everybody,We have setup a UC540 at a clients office, and now they are asking if we can setup a Auto Dialer, so they can put a bunch of phone numbers and the system will call those phone numbers and read a small script. Basically like have the s...
I turn on the switch and the lights are solid amber. I can't console into the device. I checked the fan and it seems to be working properly. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
Hello everybody,I have Cisco 2821 router, using it to learn various features. I just recieved this router recently. I wanted to connect it to my cable modem so I can access the outside world. Can somebody help me out with full configs of how to confi...
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Member Since ‎05-21-2011 08:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 9
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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