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Member since ‎09-04-2011

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Is it possible to get the time a caller waited for the call to be answered?  That would be nice for reviewing staff  I checked CDR and there is only duration for call Craig
We have about 10 7921 wireless phones and we started to test a 7925.  We actually found the 7925 gets worse reception than the 7921's.   Another vendor then told us that the 7925 does have a weaker antenna.  If that is the case should we look at cont...
I swapped out a 7945 with a 7965.   I set the proper attendant console user and password, and selected the MAC address for the new phone but I still get an error message as followsYour administrator must associate the phone with a valid application u...
I swapped out a 7945 with a 7965.   I set the proper attendant console user and password, and selected the MAC address for the new phone but I still get an error message as followsYour administrator must associate the phone with a valid application u...
  This behavior just started on about 4 7941 phones.   When you pickup a call or try to make one, user gets nothing until they hit the headset button.Is this a simple fix on phone?  I did swap out phones with one affected user and a working 7941 and ...
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Member Since ‎09-04-2011 11:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 27