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Member since ‎04-18-2003

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Hi,We are planning to upgrade a version to the last version or to the 10.5 version.We don't know yet to final version of CUCM (10.5(5)SU2 or 11.0.1) and so  the version of Quality Management. I found the installation/upgrade guide for versio...
Hi, my question is simple but I didn't find a recent solution on the forum.We have an Application with "Maximum Number of Sessions" set to 20 sessions. The customer wants to forward the calls to an external callcenter when the UCCX Application is ful...
Hi,I have some problem when I use the Webdialer.I tried to call the 6121 by this url :  in Internet Explorer.It asked me the credentials and after that, I received an error : Cisco WebDialer -...
Hi,I am testing here the SPA 9000.I have some phones like the SPA941 and I wanted to know if it's possible to change the locale ?! (to french in my case).I read the documentations and the forum here but I didn't find the answer.Can you help me ?Thank...
Hi,I deployed an unity express 3.1 and in my script, I want to transfer the call to the receptionist. if she don't answer to the call or if she's busy, I want to play a message and ask to the caller is he want to wait longer or to leave a message.So ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-18-2003 12:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 146
Total Helpful Votes Received 26
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