Mike Buyarski
Level 3
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Member since ‎12-21-2012

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we have phone number links in websites and email, but we call it fails since the prefix to dial outbound is not on the call. so when we call outbound we need to add the number "8" to the number first to dial out of course a number link in email or a ...
I am trying to allow port 80 through an this ACL so we can manage the web interfaces of the printers that will be on this vlanthe acl is applied to the vlan as "in" device is WS-C3650-24PD version 16.3.6this is what i have right now10 permit tcp any ...
We have IM/P server compliance setup to a SQL server. We just setup a new sql server but we still have the old one. we need to access information off the old server. how would we go about looking up information off the old sql server to look at conve...
We have an application dial rule setup to add a 8+1 to any number we try to dial out from jabber or any other place that has a phone number link. our AD has just the 10 digit number for jabber and telephone hyperlinks seem to do the same. So when we ...
I am trying to setup a config where i can have both my wired (primary) and Cellular (backup) connection in a active/passive setup to where is the wired connection drops it will swing over to the cellular then back to wired when wired is back up. righ...
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Member Since ‎12-21-2012 07:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2021 12:04 AM
Posts 223
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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