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Member since ‎03-22-2010

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I have no idea why I can't get these two ASA is. Please find the attached Config. I have listed them as ASA A and ASA B. ASA A is a 5508X and ASA B is a 5506X. Some of the IP addresses have be obfuscated. Number have been replaced with letter...howev...
I can dial the Exchange UM from any SCCP phone and it answers. I setup a translation profile to translate redirect called. I just cannot get it to work. Any help would be apprciated.  Please see config and debug infor below.Exchange 2010 SP2CCME 8.6T...
I have two sites, one with a UC560 an another with a UC540. I manually created a VPN tunnle and setup dial peer. The two sites can use 4 digit dialing and have access to the PSTN from each site. Calls from IP Phone to IP Phone work just fine.However,...
Armed with an ASA 5505 Security Plus, I have setup IPSec VPN for RA. The VPN IP Address pool is in the network.The Lan is with the inside interface at .254.The VPN works fine. What I would like to do is route all interne...
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Member Since ‎03-22-2010 09:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-06-2020 12:33 AM
Posts 9
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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