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Level 1
Member since ‎08-22-2005

User Statistics

  • 27 Posts
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  • 27 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

I am doing an upgrade from UCCX 7.0.2 to 9.0.1.The UCCX 7.0.2 has an ODBC driver connection to an IBM iSeries DB server using an iSeries driver.  I need to replicate this connection on UCCX 9.0.On UCCX 9.0 I only have the ability to use a few type of...
Does anyone know if there is a why to have CUBAC release a transferred call to the destination?  I have set the Transfer Recall to '0' in order to disable it, but when the call is blind transferred the callerID still shows one of the CUBAC CTI ports ...
Is there a way to limit the LDAP results for CUPC similar to how CUCM has ldap filtering now?  The CUPC client is seeing all accounts in the AD OU including service and admin accounts.
I am attempting to modify an XML document within an IPCC Express script. I have attached the original XML document and what I would like the xml document to look like after it is transformed. I am thinking I could use either an XSL Transform Docume...
I am using CCM 4.1.3. I have an MGCP controller GW with an FXS port connected into the NightBell system. Unity releases the call to the NightBell successfully, but users are not able to pickup the call. The FXS and all the shop phones are in the s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-22-2005 02:06 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-08-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 27
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