Member since ‎05-12-2014

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Hello guys.Have anyone already configured TEAP with ISE ?There is an issue with authorization matching because of the anonymous Radius Name.Can we match Username from Overview or Authentication Details of the request ?Or maybe there is a Registry key...
Hello, guys.Does anyone know should the ISE Posture module trigger non-compliant state if:- connect via VPN with the ISE Posture module- there are no last Windows updates installed- the posture requirement has a condition: pr_WSUSRule- the posture re...
Hello,Does anyone know what is the correct way to configure Policy Set for EAP-FAST when NAM uses certificate machine authentication and MSCHAP user authentication ? I have this policy but I doubt this is the correct one. 
Hello, guys.Did someone face the same issue ? Any hints are appreciated.I am migrating from Windows Native Supplicant using PEAP toNAM using EAP-FAST with machine and user cert authentication.NAM is installed, configuration.xml is uploaded, machine c...
Hello, guys.Cannot find info if we can upgrade NAM from ASA ?Does someone know if it is possible ?AnyConnect itself upgrades successfully from ASA but AC and NAM versions should match.In addition to this NAM installation breaks up network connectivit...
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Member Since ‎05-12-2014 04:41 AM
Date Last Visited
Posts 107
Total Helpful Votes Received 71
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Community Spotlight Award
English Best Publication, June 2019