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Member since ‎03-13-2007

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hi,I know that it is recommended way to run BGP with ISP to advertize my own PI address. Due to some limitation, I am thinking of whether I can run static route with ISP and let ISP to advertise my own PI address and AS number on behalf me, is that t...
hi All,I would like to have a spare DVI to VGA presentation cables for SX20, I managed to searched the Part number is "CAB-DVI-VGA-3.5MM - SX20 3.5mm", but I cannot confirm, because I suppose the cable should be shipped with SX20, when I created a BO...
i have 4507R with dual supervisors (WS-X4013+10GE) with IOS  cat4500-ipbasek9-mz.122-46.SG.binthe supervisor module are in 3 and 4, and I want to connection port 5, but i have interface and line protocol down "inactive" error.So I realized to use com...
hi all,we have firewall with 2 interfaces: outside and inside. I would like to create a rule to allow from outside to be able to access a server behind the firewall inside interface (from security level 0 to security level 100). I configur...
I would like to ask a basic NAT question, please find the attached diagram, the firewall has 2 interfaces: Inside and outside. we have a web server hosted inside the firewall offerring web services to Internet users.The server private IP address is 1...
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Member Since ‎03-13-2007 01:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-18-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 13
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