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Member since ‎03-24-2005

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Why does Ans/Org appear to be in reverse on sh call active voice compact (and others)? I would expect the calling station who originated the call to show as "ORG" and not "ANS" as it shows in the command output below. Total call-legs:  281438 ANS  TO...
Here's the scenario: Two separate (non-clustered) CMS 2.5 nodes in TMS 15.9. Both nodes host an entirely different set of meetings. Again, these are not clustered so they do not have an Alternate IP configured. They will be clustered with a third dat...
Noticing documentation on CUCM and phone registration stating that a phone can receive "either up to three CUCM servers or two CUCM and one SRST reference." (emphasis mine).  Does this mean it is one OR the other; you can either have three CMs in you...
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Member Since ‎03-24-2005 01:13 PM
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