Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎06-07-2005

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  • 257 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Received
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We currently have a /25 network. We’re getting a tenant in who’ll be sharing our connection, and we thought we’d split the /25 and share it.Currently things look like this (IP subnet changed for the example): a configured outside r...
Can someone please provide some clarity and explanation to the vpn-filter feature?I have a site to site vpn, local there are 2 subnets, and remote there are 4. I need to restrict the remote subnets from accessing one of the local subnets, but I need ...
Hi, we have a local Netflow collector working fine. We also have a centralised collector that we’d like to use to send the same Netflow data, but it is not being received. We need to send the data via an IPSEC VPN.When I do a 'show flow-export counte...
Any advice greatly appreciated.We’re looking into replacing our aging CSS load balancers with ACE’s. The main difference that I have noted is the throughput. We can buy the unit with options of the following configurations: 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 Gbps throu...
Hi all,We have a Cisco IPS device in monitoring mode, monitoring 2 segments of traffic via spanned ports on two different 3750-x switches (inside and DMZ). After a period of say 2-3 hours the ports just stop passing traffic to the IPS device. To chec...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-07-2005 07:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 257
Total Helpful Votes Received 25